With the pandemic affecting everyone throughout 2020, students and families have been stuck at home unable to socialise, meet new people, and enjoy learning.
In order to get them out of their home and reinvigorate their interest in learning, For You Education(慧理教育) has developed a brand-new Board Game Workshop targeting students between the age of 6-10 years old in hopes to kickstart their development in areas such as logical thinking and reasoning, socialising and interaction skills and others as well.
To see what else For You Education has been up to, check out the link below!
慧理教育(For You Education)聯合創辧人 Terry Lo 表示,出每到暑假,補習社都會設計不同的補習班、學前班給學生,但今年全球爆發新冠肺炎疫情,不少過往會跟隨父母出國旅行的小朋友都滯留在香港,市場環境有所改變。有見及此,補習社今年設計了全新的桌遊工作坊。
桌遊班頗受歡迎,部分學生更在補習時帶弟弟妹妹參加桌遊班結識新朋友。Terry 指出,部分桌遊給人感覺比較悶,但其實遊戲可以訓練不同技巧,例如邏輯能力、計算能力等等。老師幫助學生設計桌遊時,亦會教他們學習相關英文單字,寓教於樂。