As Hong Kong recuperates from the pandemic, students are gradually resuming face-to-face lessons at school.
With that in mind, For You Education(慧理教育) are ready to implement a multitude of precautionary measures, ensuring the safety of our students and our tutors. Such measure would include temperature measurement, ensuring masks are worn at all times within the centre, regular sterilisation of commonly used areas and air-conditioner filters, placing acrylic partition between students and tutors etc.
To learn more about what For You Education has been up to, check out our article from HKET in the link below:
新冠肺炎疫情緩和,教育局宣布學校分階段復課,有教育中心估計來年學校測驗變少,連帶影響備試補習營業額減低 2 至 3 成。
銅鑼灣慧理教育(FOR YOU EDUCATION)2/3 學生來自國際學校,本地學生不少來自於傳統名校。創辧人 Terry Lo 說:「學校復課,我們也會有相關準備,防疫措施會做得比較足,座位加隔板,大家坐開一點。課堂方面我們會嘗試將學生分流,避免同時間課室有太多人聚集。」