For You Education Team joined Fermenting Hong Kong in The Kungers during this Summer Holiday. We designed interesting booth games, such as Finding 24, English Riddles and Hand-Eye Coordination Game, etc. to bring a fun and engaging learning experience. We hope you had an amazing weekend with all of us. Thank you for participating in this activity, which brought so much fun and wonderful memories. We will keep releasing new interviews and information on our website and social media platforms. Stay tuned!
慧理教育團隊在今年暑假參加了於西貢公立學校舉行的發酵祭。 我們設置了有趣而且可以邊學邊玩的攤位遊戲,例如《搜尋24》、英文謎語、眼明手快等。 感謝您們參與是次活動,並為我們帶來了歡樂和美好的回憶。 我們將會陸續在我們的網站和社交媒體平台上發佈新的採訪片段和其他活動花絮。敬請期待!